Michelle is a frequent lecturer and workshop facilitator. She has done numerous speaking engagements as a voice teacher, a producer, an entertainment industry professional and as an intuitive.
As an on-camera spokesperson, Michelle and her varied projects have been featured on CNN, Good Morning America, MTV, NPR’s “All Things Considered”, People Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Maxim, FHM, the Chicago Tribune and the Washington Post.
Most recently she was invited to be a guest speaker for UCLA’s MFA Acting Program.
Topics include: singing and performing, entertainment career advice, tips for public speaking, how to handle stage fright as well as all things supernatural and spiritual.
Michelle also facilitates audiences on how to create more positive outlooks in their lives, discover their inner guidance and deeper connection to their intuition.
…discussing entertainment, spirit and/or empowerment
“One of my projects, MenOpop, was represented by the biggest PR firm in the world, Rogers and Cowan. The first press gig I did with them was for ABC News. I was to do the segment and then report the next morning for notes and debriefing by the PR team. When I walked into the room, everyone was kind of looking at me funny. I couldn’t imagine what I had done wrong, I mean, I knew it was sort of ridiculous for a 30-something to be talking about menopause, but I thought I had handled that question relatively smoothly. The woman in charge finally turned to me and said, “Frankly, after watching you last night, there is nothing for us to say to you – you can sell ANYTHING.”
I seem to have the gift of the gab as well as taking somewhat 'difficult to wrap your brain around' topics and making them understandable as well as entertaining. So, I began offering lectures and workshops that have been a blast to design for the specific needs of the audience. Improv is in my blood, and it has proven useful since I have received fascinating questions and the resulting comments coming out of my mouth sometimes crack me up as much as everyone attending!”